Dog Training & Puppy Classes in Manchester
Allan Todd has been training dogs for over 20 years.
Having managed a family run dog boarding kennels housing up to 70 dogs, Allan’s reputation precedes him in the North West as an experienced dog trainer, specialising in behavioural issues.
Allan is currently the dog behaviourist for Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary in Ramsbottom and has long standing affiliations with other local charities such as Rochdale Dog Rescue, Springer Spaniel Rescue and the RSPCA.
Allan has worked with several local primary special needs schools on integration of ‘PAT and Reading Dogs’. PAT Dogs provide comfort, encourage positive social behaviours, enhanced self-esteem, motivates speech and inspires people to have fun. This is a therapy based programme.
Allan uses science based force free positive reinforcement training with dogs. This means that the training is enjoyable for both dogs and their owners by virtue of using pain free techniques.
Dogs Aloud has a purpose-built training area which is separate from the day care area at approximately 1500 square foot.
Allan Todd, Director of Training and Animal Welfare, undertakes all training and oversees all training activities and scheduling.
Allan believes that all dogs regardless of age or unwanted behaviour can be successfully trained once you understand the function of the behaviour. Understanding why your dog does what it does with respect to unwanted behaviour is key to training and rehabilitation.
Prices are kept simple.
Take advantage of our Free Initial Assessment and a training plan can then be formulated.
Are all Dogs allowed at Dogs Aloud Doggy Day Care?
Dogs Aloud are happy to welcome your dog following our initial assessment. One completed you and your pet will have access to Manchester purpose built pet friendly facility. A doggy day care Centre that offers a clean safe environment and the stimulation your dog needs whilst your away.